Sunday, May 27, 2012

Information Security Management - News You Can Use


I was just reading about the stupid things that people do on Facebook and how they can fix them.

Facebook is a social networking site that people have chosen to share their lives with. Unfortunately, the social media site can be a constant source of annoyance, embarrassment, and trouble if the wrong decision.

The following is a list of stupid things that people do on Facebook:

  1. You don't regularly audit your approved apps.
  2. You don't filter your news feeds.
  3. You don't manage your privacy settings.
  4. You complain about Facebook features you hate but don't fix them.
  5. You friend everybody.
  6. You let Facebook spam your email inbox with notifications.
  7. Your password is insecure.
  8. You let Facebook track you.
  9. You keep falling for scams.
  10. You share too many personal photos that may be used against you later.
The good news is that you can get Facebook under control. Here are some suggestions:

  • Visit your app settings page and you will be presented with apps you are using. Go through the list and delete anything that you don't recognize or ant anymore.
  • If you have a friend who posts crap to your news feed, you can tell Facebook to filter out anywhere from some to all of the posts.
  • Managing Facebook privacy is hard to do. Go to Social Fishing-- this extension works on practically every web browser and gets rid of anything you hate. One example is to turn off chat bar-- always show Facebook message in boxes. Another example is to prevent Facebook from auto-loading posts-- filter out messages you don't want to see. Last, turn off the timeline (for yourself).
  • Many people have too many friends lists and they are too difficult to manage. A solution would be to send a message to all your friends to let them know that you are cleaning house.
  • People spend too much time on Facebook, and it might get in the way of getting other things done. You can quit Facebook without actually quitting Facebook. You can disable a lot of the features and lock down privacy settings. This way, you can still use Facebook, but can avoid it at times.
Interesting tips for the Facebook user... good luck and be careful out there!

Until next time...

Bye for now,


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