Monday, April 9, 2012

Information Security Management - News You Can Use

What is this world coming to?  Is it full of double standards?

I just read in the news this week, as reported by the Chinese state-run news agency, Xinhua, that a 17-year-old boy in China received 22,000 yuan (nearly $3,500) for his kidney so he could buy a new Apple iPhone and iPad. Five people were charged for taking the teen's kidney, in return for offering him cash so that he could buy these products.

The 17-year-old boy now suffers from renal deficiency. That is the price he paid for wanting the latest and greatest of today's technology products. The boy was from one of the poorest areas of China, Anhui, the city that actually makes the iPhone and iPad. However, most of the residents in this city cannot afford to purchase either of these high technology products.

This alleged crime was discovered after the boy's mother found him using these Apple products, and he admitted to selling his kidney to purchase them.

What does this all mean?  It means that the poor people are exposed to these high technology products and work very hard to keep up with the production demand; however, they can't even afford to buy these hard earned products because they have no money. Is this a double standard or what?

Until next time...

Bye for now,


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